
成功与失败Failure and Success

  • 作者:翠妍欲滴
  • 来源: 原创
  • 发表于2023-03-07 07:44:47
  • 被阅读0
  •   Life is full of ups and downs. So, it’s quite common that we do not do everything well all the time. Almost everybody experiences failure in his life. A student may fail his exam; a cook may cook the dish over time; a new mother may not know how to bathe her child. When someone fails to do something, he may feel really upset. Some people may just be so afraid of failure and stop trying. But others will stick to it and achieve the final success. Everyone loves success. It will lead to satisfaction and glory. But success is not that easy. Just as the old saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success”. Failure is indeed an indispensable part of success. To some extent, failure paves the way for success. The way to success is full of adversity and obstacles. When you fail, don’t be upset, just have another try, then you will succeed next time.生活中充满了起起落落。所以,我们不能够做好每一件事情很正常。几乎每个人都会体验到失败的滋味。一个学生可能会考试不及格;一个厨师或许会把菜煮过头,一个新妈妈可能不知道如何帮自己的孩子洗澡。当我们做某事不成功时,我们会感到失落。一些人可能会因为害怕失败而放弃了尝试。而另外一些人则继续努力,直到获得成功。每个人都爱成功。成功会带来满足感和荣誉感。但成功来之不易。就像那句老话说的那样:“失败是成功之母”。失败也是成功不可缺的一部分。在某种程度上,失败是走向成功的垫脚石。通往成功的路上充满了困难和障碍。当你失败时,不要灰心,再尝试一次,下次就能成功了。

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